*OP Buried Secrets: Wraith 2nd Ed Screen (Wraith - The Oblivion), by Snelly, Lawrence
*OP Buttery wHOLesomeness, by Thron, Daniel,Shaughnessy, Todd,Elliott, Christopher
*OP Chicago By Night 2nd Ed. (A City Sourcebook for Vampire : the Masquerade), by Crow, Steve, Greenberg, Andrew
*OP Chicago Chronicles 1 (Vampire: The Masquerade Novels) (v. 1), by Greenberg, Andrew, Rein, Mark, Crow, Steve
*OP Croatan Song (Werewolf: The Apocalypse), by Cassada, Jackie, Rea, Nicky, Bridges, Bill
*OP Guildbook Sandmen (Wraith - The Oblivion Guildbook Series), by Fischi, Beth
*OP Litany of the Tribes 4 (Werewolf: The Apocalypse), by
*OP MET Sabbat Guide (Mind's Eye Theatre), by Achilli, Justin, Soesbee, Ree, Oliver, Clayton
*OP Rage Across the World 2 (Rage , Vol 2), by Rebner, Jeff, Timbrook, Joshua
*OP Risen, by Ditchburn, Elizabeth
*OP Three Pillars (Vampire: The Dark Ages (Paperback)), by O'Connor, William
*OP Tribebook Black Furies Revised Ed (Werewolf: The Apocalypse), by
*OP Tribebook Bone Gnawers Revised (Werewolf: The Apocalypse), by Campbell, Brian
*OP Tribebook Stargazers Rev (Werewolf), by Chuck Wendig
*OP Under A Blood Red Moon, by Harris, Tony
*OP Werewolf 2nd Ed Screen, by Moore, James A.,DiTerlizzi, Tony
*OP Werewolf Players Guide 2nd Ed (Werewolf: The Apocalypse), by Dan Brereton, Steve Prescott, Ron Spencer
*Signed* the Legion of Space (Limited Edition), by Jack Williamson
...And a 10-Foot Pole (Rolemaster Standard System), by Curtis, John, Bernhardt, M.
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101 Magical Weapon Properties, by Steven D Russell
13th Age Bestiary, by Rob Wieland, Rob Watkins, Steve Townshend, Cal Moore, ASH LAW, Kevin Kulp, Kenneth Hite, Rob Heinsoo, Ryven Cedrylle
13th Age Night's Black Agents Free RPG Day 2015 Harker Intrusion, by
1923 Reproduction Boston and Maine Railroad: Officers, Agents and Stations, by no author
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