Strike Force: A Campaign Sourcebook for Champions Role Playing Game (Hero Games), by Aaron Allston
Strike Force: Shantipole (Star Wars RPG), by Ken Rolston
Strongholds & Followers, by Staff of MCDM Productions, LLC
Strontium Dog, by Whitaker, Lawrence
Succubi, by Lee, Edward
Summer and Smoke, by Tennessee Williams
Summer Storm, by Pavese, Cesare
Sun County: RuneQuest Adventures in the Land of the Sun, by Michael O'Brien
Sundered Skies Companion, by Blewer, Dave,Anderson, Kevin
Sundown on Starmist (Star Frontiers Module SF3), by Garry Spiegle
Suns of Fortune Star Wars RPG Edge of the Empire FF, by
Super Agents: A Campaign Supplement for Danger International & Champions, by Aaron Allston
Super Babes Femforce RPG Pretorious Rising, by Marc Schezzini, Cameron Verkaik
Super Powers Companion (Savage Worlds, Second Edition, S2P10503), by Shane Hensley
Super Tuesday (Shadowrun), by
Superhero 2044 (The Campaign of Super-powered Crimefighters in the Year 2044), by Saxman, Donald
Superman: The Dailies : Strips 1-306, 1939-1940, by Siegel, Jerry,Shuster, Joe
Superman: the Man of Steel Sourcebook (DC Heroes RPG), by Roger Stern
Supernova (Star Wars RPG), by Steven H. Lorenz
Suppressed Transmission 2: The Second Broadcast, by Hite, Kenneth
Suppressed Transmission: The First Broadcast, by Kenneth Hite
Survival of the Fittest (An Alternate Reality Adventure for Cyberpunk), by
Survival of the Fittest (Shadowrun), by Fanpro
Survivors' Guide to the United Kingdom (Twilight: 2000), by Loren Wiseman,Peter Phillipps,Loren K. Wiseman,Peter Phillipps
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