Guardians of the Caerns (Werewolf: The Apocalypse), by Marchinton, Forrest, Howard, Chris, Skemp, Ethan
Guide to the Camarilla (Vampire, the Masquerade), by Dansky, Richard
Guide to the Camarilla and the Sabbat (Vampire, the Masquerade), by Achilli, Justin, Dansky, Richard
Guide to the Traditions *OP (Mage: The Ascension), by Bolack, David, Bush, Zach, Davis, Lynn, Armor, Bryan
Guidelines for Trainyard Inspection of Freight Cars, by
Guildbook: Pardoners & Puppeteers (Wraith: The Oblivion), by Rea, Nicky,Grove, Heather,Ditchburn, Elizabeth,Cassada, Jackie
Guilds and Adventurers (d20 Fantasy Roleplaying Supplement, Hunt Rise of Evil), by Games, Mystic Eye
Gurahl: Carrying the Wounds of the World (Werewolf: The Apocalypse), by Nicky Rea, Cassada, Jackie
Gurps 4e The Temple on Terilek Prime Directive, by Staff
GURPS Alternate Earths 2 (GURPS: Generic Universal Role Playing System), by Hite, Kenneth
GURPS Atomic Horror 2ed, by Elliott, Paul
GURPS Basic Set Campaigns, by Pulver, David,Jackson, Steve
GURPS Basic Set: Characters, Fourth Edition, by Pulver, David,Jackson, Steve
Gurps Bestiary, by O'Sullivan, Steffan; et. al.
GURPS Bio-Tech *OP (GURPS: Generic Universal Role Playing System), by Jackson, Steve,Pulver, David
GURPS Bunnies & Burrows, by
GURPS Castle Falkenstein (GURPS: Generic Universal Role Playing System), by Cambias, James
Gurps Cliffhangers, by Brian J. Underhill
GURPS Conan, by Curtis Scott
GURPS Conspiracy X, by M. Alexander Jurkal
GURPS CthulhuPunk: Ancient Horror Crawls into the Dark Future, by McCubbin, Chris W.
Gurps Cyberworld: High-Tech Low-Life in the One-And-Twenty, by Hume, Paul
GURPS Deadlands Weird West, by Hackard, Andrew
GURPS Fantasy 4E Softcover *OP, by Stoddard, William H.
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