Kerberos Club Savage Worlds Edition *OP, by
Dungeons & Dragons Classics Volume 1, by Mishkin, Dan
Dungeons & Dragons Classics Volume 2, by Grubb, Jeff,Mishkin, Dan
More Whispering Homunculus: A guide to the vile, whimsical, disgusting, bizarre, horrific, odd, skin-crawling, and mildly disturbed side of fantasy gaming, by Pett, Richard,Baur, Wolfgang,Horner, Miranda
Lamentations of the Flame Princess Death Frost Doom (Throwback Edition), by James Edward Raggi IV
Book of the Righteous 5E, by Thompson, Rodney,Schwalb, Robert J.,Loeb, Aaron
Paranoia: Interactive screen (MGP50001), by Mongoose Publishing
Astonishing Swordsmen and Sorcerers of Hyperborea Fair, by Talanian
Veil of Night (Vampire: The Dark Ages), by Chris Hartford, Ellen Kiley, James Kiley, Adam Tinworth, Sarah Roark, Michael B. Lee, Lucien Soulban
Tradition Book: Euthanatos (Mage: The Ascension), by Christopher Shy,Malcolm Sheppard
The Fantasy Cartographer's Field Book, by Judges Guild
Tales of the Miskatonic Valley (Call of Cthulhu Horror Roleplaying, Bk+Map, #2334), by Herber, K.,Watts, Richard,Gillan, Geoff,Aniolowski, Scott,Ross, Kevin A.
The Book of Plots Volume 1, by Ezzell, Mary
Dragon Tree Press Desert Plots RPG Generic System, by Staff
Dark Ages: Werewolf, by Matt McFarland, Gavin Bennett, Bjorn T. Boe, Ben Grivno
Codex Aeldari Limited/Collector's Edition, by Staff
Warhammer 40k Arks of Omen Vashtorr, by Staff
Dark Ages Vampire/Penance By Firelight Slipcased Edition, by Rein-Hagen, Mark
Hexagonal Mapping Booklet, by Tsr
Mind's Eye Theatre: Laws of the Night Revised, The Grand Masquerade Edition, by unknown author
What Lurks Beyond: A Fantasy-Horror Adventure, by Whitehead, Mike
Vampire storytellers companion (Vampire, the masquerade), by Oliver, Clayton
Guide to the Camarilla (Vampire, the Masquerade), by Dansky, Richard
Changeling Rites of Spring *OP (Changeling: The Lost), by Wendig, Charles,Stout, Travis,Snead, John,Hartley, Jess
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