Dark Heresy RPG: The Haarlock's Legacy Volume 2: Damned Cities, by Fantasy Flight Games
Dark Heresy: Ascension, by Fantasy Flight Games
Dark Heresy: Blood of Martyrs Blood of Martyrs, by Fantasy Flight Games
Disciples of the Dark Gods, by Alan Bligh
Fire in the Mountains (Doomstones), by Graeme Davis, Brad Freeman, Basil Barrett
Night's Dark Masters: A Guide to Vampires (Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay), by Ronin, Green
Paths of the Damned: Ashes of Middenheim (Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay) (v. 1), by Games Workshop Staff
Realm of the Ice Queen: A Guide to Kislev (Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay), by Green Ronin
ROGUE TRADER Into the Storm, by Fantasy Flight Games
Rogue Trader RPG: Core Rulebook Core Rulebook, by Fantasy Flight Games
The Dying of the Light (WFRP/Warhammer Fantasy Role-Play), by
Warhammer 40k Black Crusade Traitor's Hate, by
Warhammer 40k Roleplay Only War Core Rulebook, by
Warhammer Chronicles 2003, by Gav Thorpe
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Character Record Pack, by Ronin, Green
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay: A Grim World of Perilous Adventure, by Halliwell, R
Warhammer RPG: Lure of the Liche Lord (Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay), by Rosenberg, Aaron
Warhammer RPG: The Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Companion, by Schwalb, Robert J.
WFRP Children of the Horned Rat (Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay), by Ronin, Green
WFRP Tome of Corruption (Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay), by Robert J. Schwalb
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