The Savage Foes of Solomon Kane (Savage Worlds, S2P10402), by John Goff,Rucht Lilavivat
The Path of Kane (Solomon Kane, Savage Worlds, S2P10403), by Tony Lee
Deadlands: Hell on Earth Reloaded, by Teller, Clint Black, Shane Lacy Hensley
Super Powers Companion (Savage Worlds, Second Edition, S2P10503), by Shane Hensley
The Savage World of Solomon Kane (Savage Worlds; S2P10400), by Pinnacle Entertainment
Slipstream (Savage Worlds, S2P10008), by Paul Wiggy Wade-Williams
Fantasy Companion (S2P10500, Savage Worlds), by Wade-Williams,Wiggy",Paul "
Rippers (Savage Worlds; S2P10005), by Simon Lucas & Christopher Dolunt
Savage Worlds RPG (S2P10000), by Shane Lacy Hensley
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