Vigil Watch Secrets of the Asaatthi (d20 Generic System), by Hager, Werner
EverQuest Roleplaying Game: Monsters of Norrath, by Carriker, Joseph
Demons and Devils (Sword & Sorcery), by Webb, Bill
Hornsaw Forest of Blood (Sword Sorcery), by Louve, Rhiannon, Carriker, Joseph D.
Everquest Realms of Norrath Freeport, by Stephens, Owen
Everquest Soluseks Eye (Everquest Role-Playing Game), by Stratton, Richard
EverQuest Player's Handbook (EverQuest Role-Playing Game), by Wieck, Stewart
Scarred Lands Gazetteer Termana (Sword & Sorcery), by Sword and Sorcery Studio
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