The Reptiliads RAFM history Society Military System, by Staff
The Rifter #25, by Staff
The Rifter #29 Your Guide to the Megaverse, by Palladium Books
The Rifter #38, by
The Rifter #60, by Staff
The Rifter #8 (Vol 8), by Pal
The Rifter 32, by Rifter
The Rifter Number Nineteen: Your Guide to the Megaverse, by Shawn Merrow
The Rifter [Your Guide to the Megaverse] #27, by kevin Siembieda
The Rifter: Your Guide to the Megaverse #22, by Shawn Merrow
The Rod of Seven Parts (AD&D Fantasy Roleplaying), by Williams, Skip
The Sailor Moon Role-Playing Game and Resource Book, by MacKinnon, Mark C.
The Scarlet Brotherhood (AD&D Fantasy Roleplaying, Greyhawk Setting), by Reynolds, Sean
The Scarlet Citadel A Dungeon of Secrets 5e D&D, by Steve Winter
The Scaum Valley Gazetteer, by David Thomas, Jim Webster
The Scavenger Lands: The Compass Of Terrestrial Directions, Vol. 1, by Kraig Blackwelder, Genevieve Cogman, Daniel Dover, Michael Kessler
The Sea People (Dungeons & Dragons/Creature Crucible PC3), by Bambra, Jim
The Secret Fire Roleplaying Game, by George Strayton
The Servants, by Smith, Michael Marshall
The Seven Sisters (Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, Forgotten Realms), by Greenwood, Ed
The Shade of the Sinking Plain (Loremaster/Shadow World), by
The Shady Dragon Inn (Dungeons & Dragons accessory AC1), by Smith, Carl
The Shattered Gates of Slaughtergarde (Dungeons & Dragons d20 3.5 Fantasy Roleplaying Adventure), by Noonan, David
The Slayer's Guide To Undead, by Gygax, Gary,Creffield, John
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