*OP Chicago By Night 2nd Ed. (A City Sourcebook for Vampire : the Masquerade), by Crow, Steve, Greenberg, Andrew
*OP Chicago Chronicles 1 (Vampire: The Masquerade Novels) (v. 1), by Greenberg, Andrew, Rein, Mark, Crow, Steve
*OP Chicago Chronicles 3 (Vampire Series ; The Masquerade Vol. 3), by Cliffe, Ken, Wieck, Stewart, Hagen, Mark
*OP Guide to the Anarchs, by Achilli, Justin, Bowen, Carl, Dudley, Noah, Goff, John
*OP Libellus Sanguinis 2 (Vampire: The Dark Ages Clanbooks), by Summers, Cynthia
*OP MET Sabbat Guide (Mind's Eye Theatre), by Achilli, Justin, Soesbee, Ree, Oliver, Clayton
*OP Montreal by Night (Vampire: The Masquerade Novels), by Boulle, Philippe, Cliffe, Ken, Tinworth, Adam
*OP Nights of Prophecy (Vampire: The Masquerade Novels), by Mosqueira-Asheim, Josjua,Soulban, Lucian,Shomshak, Dean,Achilli, Justin,Grabowski, Geoffrey
*OP Princes Primer (Vampire Series : The Masquerade), by Tower, Allen
*OP Under A Blood Red Moon, by Harris, Tony
Ashen Cults (Vampire: The Dark Ages), by Achilli, Justin
Berlin by Night: A City Sourcebook for Vampire: The Masquerade, by James A. Moore
Blood & Silk (World of Darkness), by Kiley, Ellen, Baugh, Bruce, Grabowski, Geoffrey, Kiley, James
Blood Magic: Secrets of Thaumaturgy (Vampire: The Masquerade), by Achilli, Justin, Heinig, Jess, Lambert, Patrick, Moore, Jim
Blood Sacrifice: The Thaumaturgy Companion (Vampire: The Masquerade), by Marmell, Ari, Shomshak, Dean
Cainite Heresy: A Sourcebook of Blasphmeous Horror for Vampire, The Dark Ages, by Langlois, Jason, Hite, Ken, Bergstrom, R.
Cairo by Night (Vampire: the Masquerade), by C. A. Suleiman
Charnel Houses of Europe: The Shoah (Black Dog Game Factory), by Hatch, Robert, Blacke, Jonathan
Chicago by Night: The Second Face of the Second City, by
Clanbook: Lasombra, by Bruce Baugh
Clanbook: Malkavian (Vampire: The Masquerade), by Greenberg, Daniel
Clanbook: Malkavian, Revised Edition (Vampire: The Masquerade Clanbooks), by Skemp, Ethan, Heinig, Jess
Clanbook: Salubri (Vampire, the Dark Ages), by Summers, Cynthia
Clanbook: Tremere (Vampire: The Masquerade), by Soesbee, Ree, Heinig, Jess
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