The Witchfire Trilogy, Book 3: The Legion of Lost Souls (Privateer Press d20), by Staroscik, Matt, Kilmartin, J. Michael
The Tome Of Horrors III (Dungeons & Dragons d20 3.5 Fantasy Roleplaying) (v. 3), by Greene, Scott
The Forge of War (Dungeons & Dragons d20 3.5 Fantasy Roleplaying, Eberron Setting), by Marmell, Ari,Baur, Wolfgang,Wyatt, James
Banewarrens (D20 Generic System), by Monte Cook
Classic Play: Book Of Adventuring (Classic Play #4), by Melchor, Alejandro
Fiendish Codex II: Tyrants of the Nine Hells (Dungeons & Dragons d20 3.5 Fantasy Roleplaying), by Schwalb, Robert J., Laws, Robin D.
Game of Thrones: D20-Based Open Gaming RPG (Deluxe Limited Edition), by Simone Cooper, Jonathan Cassie, Elissa Carey
Encyclopedia of Weaponry (D20), by
Kingdoms of Kalamar Atlas (Dungeons & Dragons), by Burke, Bob, Jelke, Brian, Zwerg, D.M., Johansson, Steve, Kenzer, David S., Plemmons, Mark
Babylon 5 2nd Edition - The Cold Equations, by Sprange, Matthew
Collection of Fantastic Weapons, D20 System, by Bessinger,Don
Relics (d20 Fantasy Roleplaying), by Patrick Younts,Andrew Hudson,Gareth Hanrahan,Andrew Getting,Steve Crow,Michael Tresca
Tournaments, Fairs & Taverns (d20 Fantasy Roleplaying Supplement), by Mystic Eye Games Staff
Gentlemen's Agreement (Spycraft), by B. D. Flory
Garadon Manor (d20 System, #8314), by Patrick Kapera
Power Classes XI Cabalist, by Various
Forbidden Kingdoms: Pulp Adventures, by Webb, Dave, Savage, R. Hyrum
Green Races: A Monstrous Campaign Setting (D20 System), by James A. Ward, Timothy Brown
Blood Reign of Nishanpur, The, by Fennell, Jarad
Secret at Greenrock, by Stone, Rob
The Fantastic Adventure, by Golden, Mac
Make Your Own Luck (13th Age), by Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan
d20 Pantheonic Dreams The Ecology of Cantom Volume 1, by Jason Vandenberg, et al
The Deep: Underwater Adventure Sourcebook (d20 Fantasy Roleplaying Supplement), by Mystic Eye Games Staff
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