Battletech Record Sheets Volume Six: 3055 Mechs #1668, by No Author
AD&D The Planerswalker's Handbook Fair, by Monte Cook
AD&D 2e Dark Sun Arcane Shadows Fair, by Bill Slavicsek
Temple, Tower, and Tomb (Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, 2nd Edition), by
Symbaroum - The Copper Crown, by
AD&D Planescape On Hallowed Ground Fair, by Colin McComb
DUNGEONS OF DESPAIR (Advanced Dungeons & Dragons), by TSR, Inc.
Unusual Suspects, by
Into the Unknown Solo Adventure 5e, by Ben Barsh, et al
Pathfinder Adventure Path: Wrath of the Righteous Part 6 - City of Locusts, by Pett, Richard
Secrets of the Alubelok Coast, by Reeder, David
D&D Dungeons & Dragons Adventure Game SW, by Staff
D&D Gazetteer SW, by Staff
Bay City: Champions New Millennium (A Champions: New Millennium Roleplaying Supplement), by Grau, Matthew D.; Harlick, Bruce; Long, Steven S.
Tome of the Dragon (Hero's Journey), by Noah McLaughlin
1981 TSR Hobbies Catalog: Gateway To Adventure, by Staff
Tournaments Illuminated, Fall 1986, AS XXI, No. 80 (Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc.), by Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc.
Konigsgarde Medieval Wargame Rules, by Sartore, Rowe, Webb
Polyhedron Newszine 122 August 1996, by
Rout Pak II (more classic scenarios) ASL Rout Report, by
ASL News Pack 1 Eight Scenarios, by
Miniature Wargames Magazine #87 August 1990, by
Gentlemen's Agreement (Spycraft), by B. D. Flory
Dragons of Aihrde: Leech Wyrms Castles & Crusades, by Stephen Chenault
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